Thursday 15 December 2016

What you should know about termite fumigation

Termites are one of those pests that are small but lethal. They eat away at building structures leaving behind shells that are not fit for human habitation. If you have a termite infestation, then you will need to fumigate your home to avoid further damages. Fumigation is simply the process of administering poisonous gasses to eliminate the termites especially if they are hiding in the structure of your home.

Fumigation process
The initial stage of termite fumigation entails an extensive inspection of the infested structure. This is to determine the extent of the damage that has been caused by the termites. The next and critical step is referred to as tenting. Tenting is the complete sealing of the house or building that is to be fumigated. This process is very extensive as it involves removal of food from the house, cutting off the water supply and removing all living beings from the building. Finally, once testing is complete, the gas is pumped into the building and is left there for at least two days to ensure that the job is done.
  • Fumigation kills all life in the building. This means that if there were other insects or pests in the house, it would exterminate all of them. This is like killing two birds with one stone.
  • Total elimination of the termite is eminent. Once all the termites have been eliminated you won't be worried about their return soon after the fumigation.
  • Fumigants are thorough. There are places that you cannot reach of you use sprays and even powders. Gasses can seep into places you did not even know existed and killed all the termites hiding there.
  • Saves time and money as the all the termites are killed in one go. You will not have to go from room to room trying to eliminate the termites.

  • Fumigation of ground termites kills the soil organisms that are beneficial to plants. This is not an environmentally friendly way of termite extermination.
  • The gas that is used can be detrimental to the health of the people who will occupy that house. It can cause breathing problems as the gas is toxic to all living organisms.
  • Too much work is put into the entire fumigation process, and it can take a toll on the individuals that are involved.

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